Thursday, January 06, 2011

Cast off to stereotypes

I've never been much of a numbers guy. While I think statistics are great for helping us determine trends or the reasoning behind certain results in life, or business, or sports, figures can also be misleading and even guide us in the wrong direction if we put too much stock into them. Like with fly-fishing, for example. The stats suggest fly fishermen are just that. Men. Make that old men. Grumpy, old, white men, with money - in the $100,000 or more income bracket to be exact, according to The Special Report on Fishing and Boating published last year by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation and The Outdoor Foundation. And as they say, the numbers don't lie, but I encourage my fellow anglers to be skeptical of stats, and the stereotypes they might create, and question the trends of recent years when it comes to the fly fishing community.

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